Launching 2023
StockPay is an easy-to-use stock trading and investment platform built for investors like you. Our StockPay It! option allows you to borrow funds to invest interest-free.


Launching 2023
StockPay is an easy-to-use stock trading and investment platform built for investors like you. Our StockPay It! option allows you to borrow funds to invest interest-free.
Stockpay It!
Accelerate building your portfolio by investing today with StockPay It!. Borrow funds to invest in select stocks, then pay it off over time. Subject to terms and conditions when you apply.
Trade ASX Stocks
Buy and sell stocks, ETFs, and more on the ASX from day one. Plus, enjoy seamless access as we add support for a wide range of international stocks and markets.
Rich Financial News and Analysis
Get in-app market news from leading financial publications, breaking news on the stocks you watch, detailed company information, analyst ratings and more from some of the world's most trusted sources.
Joined our waitlist?
Our waitlist promotion is temporarily on pause, in line with our 2023 launch. But don’t worry – if you’ve already joined the waitlist, you’ll be the first to know when it’s back on and you can start referring friends again. *Promotion T&C’s are linked below.